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Our Committee

Dr Andrew Baxter



Role: to act as focal point for the GARNet in coordinating its activities and relationships with other clinical and research individuals or organisations, steer development of the organisation, promote the organisation and its work nationally, and resolve any conflicts.


Dr Claire Grant



Role: to support the Chair in their role, oversee project proposals, and steer project development and delivery.


Dr Edmond Attallah



Role: to draft and distribute agendas, record and distribute minutes, manage database of members, associate members and honorary members, keep membership and authorship agreement records, and distribute info. to the membership and more widely.


Dr Karuna Kodali



Role: to coordinate the finances of the GARNet, keep accounts and receipts for financial audit, and administer the bank account.

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Dr Darren Fernandes

Information Technology Lead


Role: to maintain the website in support of the aims of the GARNet, develop solutions for information collection and liaising with Site Project Leads.

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Dr Syazeddy Syahir (Eddy)

General Member


Role: to facilitate the committee in completing their roles.

Dr Steve Ryder

Mentor and Consultant Committee Member

Consultant Physician in Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust



Dr Ajay Verma

Mentor and Consultant Committee Member

Consultant Gastroenterologist and General Physician

Kettering General Hospital NHS Foundation Trust



Role: to provide strategic guidance for the development of GARNet, provide the benefit of their clinical and research experience, provide continuity and transparency, aid links with the consultant body in the region and more widely, use existing research links to facilitate the initiation and delivery of projects.

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